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Is installment of the backwater valve important?

Having your home flooded is a painful event. Flooding is not only unsightly and expensive to clean up, but it can also be emotionally demanding for all parties involved. Fortunately, installing a backwater valve on your sewer line can safeguard your family from rainwater and sewage backing up into your home.

Our plumbers at Everest Drain and Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, and Drains are highly trained to perform a wide range of emergency plumbing services, including the installation of a backwater valve to prevent sewage, rainwater, and chemicals from backing up into your home’s shower drains, toilets, and laundry drains. Contact Everest Drain and Plumbing immediately for all of your plumbing needs.

However, you may still be unsure about the function of a backwater valve and how it may assist you and your family to keep your house safe and dry all year. If you want to know about tips on removing hvac taps visit here.

Everest Plumbing Aug 25, 2021
backwater valve
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Back water valve meaning

What is a backwater valve?

A backwater valve is a valve that stops water from flowing backwards at any time. It is connected to the sewer line that leads out of your house, and it ensures that everything you wish to stay out stays out. The municipal sewage system can be overloaded in the event of significant rains, causing flows to change position.

That wastewater can circle around and end up back in your drains–or, worse, in your home–if you don’t have a backwater valve in place. This is accomplished by adding a flap to the sewage pipe that lies flat when water is flowing out but rises and prevents re-entry if the current ever reverses. If you have a basement or if your bottom floor is less than a year old, you’re more likely to be flooded.


Why is the backwater valve installation important?

Prevents flooding

Sewage backup can be caused by a variety of factors. The flow to your bathroom or kitchen can be cut off due to a clogged pipe, tree roots, and other factors. The main advantage of installing a backwater valve in your house or structure is that it can assist prevent flooding. It may be worth it to have one installed for the piece of mind that comes with knowing your property is secure.

Your municipality may provide a subsidy to assist cover the costs of a backwater valve installation, depending on where your property is located in Canada. It’s also a good idea to check with your insurance carrier, since some will give discounts to homeowners and commercial property managers that do a backwater valve installation.

Save time and money by not having to deal with the hassle

A backwater valve, in essence, can spare you the trouble and money of flooding your home or property. Flooding not only poses a health risk to anyone on the premises, but it may also cause damage to your home or building’s flooring, walls, and furnishings. Furthermore, any belongings you have stashed in your basement, including treasures and mementos, may be permanently gone.


When it rains heavily, as it happens regularly in Toronto, your home is more vulnerable to sewer flooding. A backwater valve is a device that is installed under the flooring, in a small utility closet, or on the sewer itself in your home’s basement. 

This valve features a disc that prevents a sewer pipe from opening and allowing sewer effluent to enter your home’s drain.Even if the water level rises, this keeps sewer water in the sewers and out of your property.

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While installing a backwater valve may appear unpleasant or costly at first, it will save you thousands in repairs and cleanup costs in the long run. Sewer backups can ruin your basement’s floors, walls, carpet, furniture, and other belongings. This can have a significant impact on your property, especially if you have a full basement. The cost of sewer line repair and flood damage cleaning will be substantially higher than the cost of building a new sewer line.

A quick guide to maintaining it

  • You can take a few actions to ensure that your backwater valve is in perfect functioning order.
  • Inspect your valve at least once a year, and more frequently if there has been a major storm. Check each part of the valve for cleanliness and to see whether it needs to be replaced. 
  • Flush the valve with a hose or pail of water to remove any debris that has accumulated. 
  • Keep an eye on what you flush. Only human excrement and toilet paper should be flushed. Anything else could clog your pipes and cause issues with your backwater valve. 
  • At least once a year, you should have your backwater valve inspected by a professional plumber.

Backwater valves are also built to last for several years if properly maintained. If your valve is more than a few years old, it’s a good idea to have it inspected and replaced if necessary by an emergency plumber.

Trust your emergency plumber

Flood protection for your home or building can be a severe issue for property owners. A backwater valve, when properly installed and maintained, can assist prevent unwanted liquids from entering your home or structure. Consider it an investment that will help you avoid the high expenditures of flood cleaning and restoration.

Backwater valve installation in your home’s sewer or basement is an important step in preventing a sewer backup disaster. If you’re not sure if your house is protected, or if you need a backwater valve put right away, call Everest Drain and Plumbing now!

After a flood, extra services like repiping or emergency plumbing may be required, making the expense of your backwater valve installation much easier to justify with our professional Toronto plumber.

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