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Tankless or Storage Tank?

There are two main uses for storage tank. The first is to provide storage capacity, while the second is to supply pressure to the distribution system. Depending on its location within the system and the type of arrangement, a tank can fulfill one or both purposes. There are numerous tank types and layouts to choose from.

When compared to lower efficiency options, a high efficiency tank water heater uses up to 8% less energy. Better insulation and more efficient components are used to save money. Overall, a tankless water heater uses less energy and costs less to operate.

We use hot water heater in winter while doing all household activities as cleaning washing dishes.  We install water heater tank to avoid cold.  Since water heating is expensive energy cost which accounts about 30% energy budget of home. So it is vital to choose the best water heater for your sweet home. Generally, there are two types of water heater found in the market [tank less and storage water heater].

According to, “demand (or tankless) water heaters can be 24 percent to 34 percent more energy efficient than conventional storage tank water heaters for homes that use 41 gallons or less of hot water daily.” Tankless water heaters (if gas-fired) will save homeowners over $100 annually the longer they remain in service. Tankless water heaters provide an infinite supply of hot water, take up less space, are safer, and have a substantially longer lifespan than traditional water heaters. The main downside of tankless water heaters is that they are more expensive up front (unit and installation) than tank-style heaters.

While purchasing the water heater for your home you need to consider both advantages and disadvantages of the water heater. Visit us during any issues.


Everest Plumbing Jan 03, 2017
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Tank less Water Heater


Tank less water heater can be very sensitive in plumbing fields. Because most home owners tend to buy energy efficient economical and green friendly heater. Reason to choose tank less water heater is.

Tankless water heaters provide an infinite supply of hot water, take up less space, are safer, and have a substantially longer lifespan than traditional water heaters. The main downside of tankless water heaters is that they are more expensive up front (unit and installation) than tank-style heaters.


  1. Tank less water heater units run only whenever there is the demand for hot water at home. This will reduce costs of energy bill by 35%.
  2. It can deliver continuous supply of hot water since it can produce 5 to 7 gallons of water per minute. So, you can rely on it.
  3. It has longer life expectancy of about 20 years.
  4. This water heater holds high safety because it only operates when warm water is needed.



  1. Biggest disadvantage is that tank less water heaters are expensive which will cost you twice than storage water tanks.
  2. Extra charges may incur because of necessary piping and need of good venting
  3. All plumbers are unable to install tank less water heater. It is hard to install so you need professional.


Storage water heater tanks

Storage water tank is most simple water heater tanks. People have been using these kinds of water heater in large extent because of its simplicity in use and installation.


  1. It is cheaper than tank less water heater.
  2.  Easy to adapt to re-circulate applications.
  3. Easy to adapt to solar appliances and becoming popular in today’s society.


  1. It needs 24-hour energy supply to keep temperature of water storage consistent.
  2. Because of larger footprints it becomes significant issue when water demand is higher. Additional tanks may need to attach in order to meet the demand.

You can see both advantages and disadvantages of storage water heater tank and tank less water heater. So plumber from Everest Drain and Plumbing helps you to install best water heater tank according to your budget and desire.

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